Convenience wrapper for read_tsExport_raw
, ' label_tsExport
and dates_tsExport
separator = ";",
decimal = ",",
encoding = "UTF-8",
quote_escape_detect = TRUE,
escape_backslash = TRUE,
labels = TRUE,
factor = TRUE,
dates = TRUE
string - location of the export
Character. CSV file column separator.
Character. Encoding
Boolean.Should the function try to detect the escaping method used in the data file? If TRUE, the reading process might be slower.
Boolean.Are Quotes in strings escaped by a backslash? (The default with (german) secuTrial Exports).
logical - add labels to variables and table
logical - convert categorical variables to factor variables (ignored when reference values are not in a separate table)
logical - convert date variables
object - a list with one data.frame for each file
on the export and a list containing the export options